Munich: Protest Against Afghan Nazism and Fascism
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In the name of Allah, the Preserver of Justice and Equality.
My Conscious and Astute Countrymen!
Let us celebrate Afghanistan, a common home to multiple ethnic groups, none superior to another, and to people of many religious beliefs, none greater than another. And let us celebrate Afghanistan’s Constitution, that does not discriminate between its citizens and guarantees equality and justice for all.
However, Afghans still suffers periodic displays of ethno-chauvinist attitudes. Such thoughts are harboured by privileged segments of society, who are uninterested in preserving national unity and dream of ethnic superiority. Such chauvinists always try to feed and exploit schisms. A public-display of such anti-Afghan ethno-chauvinism was witnessed on December 07 in Cologne, Germany, in a ceremony commemorating Mohammed Gul Mohmand. The ceremony was addressed by an individual named Halim Tanvir, former Afghan Deputy Minister of Information and Culture and member of the Academy of Sciences, now living in Netherlands. He laced his presentation with hate speech and made what amounted to a call for ethnic cleansing of other ethnic groups of Afghanistan. Halim Tanvir’s advocacy for the extermination of other ethnic groups and their forced dissolution into a particular one, must be answered in the light of international law and he must be fittingly prosecuted.
Since these racist and remarks were made in Germany, a country that guarantees the dignity of human life as an unchanging principle in its constitution, we the residents of Munich, Germany, along with other protesters and fellow compatriots around the world are recording our protest. We raise our voices against the racist, hateful and provocative statements of Halim Tanvir. Our specific demands of the human rights community and judicial authorities, are as follows:
1. We ask for a formal investigation by the German Federal Government of Halim Tanvir for his public remarks advocating the suppression of the under-privileged ethnicities of Afghanistan.
2. We urge the Government of the Netherlands to cooperate with any investigation into Halim Tanvir, given his status as a resident of that country.
3. We urge the international community, in particular human rights organizations, to warn the Afghan government against hiring such persons to sensitive positions such as the Ministry of Culture. We note that Afghan government representatives in Bonn, Germany were involved in organizing the event where the hate speech took place.
4. We urge the Government of Afghanistan to condemn the aforementioned remarks and to support our calls for accountability through the judicial authorities. The Afghan Government should reaffirm its commitment to combating racial hatred.
5. We, in a collective voice against racism and fascism of all forms, call on the European human rights organizations to join us in our campaign against hate speech and racist remarks in discourse among Afghans.
21.12.2019 Munich Germany.