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I Have Passed Through Viruses Even More Dangerous Than Corona

Shamsuddin Mohammadi
Saturday 7 March 2020

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I have passed through viruses even more dangerous than Corona

I was waiting at the bus stop to go Lorient market to buy some foodstuff. I had a slight runny nose and cough; feeling discomfort!

Slowly a woman came to me, without shaking hands, from the distance I could hear her voice, said:
Sir, go to the hospital; do a check-up!

I said; don’t worry! Its nothing! I’m just allergic to the cold, this is usually the case in the winter.

She said: You are not afraid of Corona? Because it’s very dangerous. And it is very difficult to survive this virus!

I made a cold laugh and pulled out a napkin from my pocket and put it on my nose.

I said; no madam, I have passed much more deadly viruses for so many long!

She said, ’But, what? Are those contagious? She was worried and just glaring at me!

I said, ’Yes, but not contiguous. The viruses that killed me for my appearance, because of my religious beliefs, because of my language dialect. I’ve gone through these!

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Aren’t you from China?"

I said; no, ma’am!

She furrowed! At the moment I knew her mind was full of questions. She again turned to me and said; "but where are you from?

I said; Afghanistan

She said; " are you Hazara?"

I said; yes

She said; what are you doing here?

I said; to survive those viruses, I am here!

Her eyes were tears and said, "Unfortunately, I know about Afghanistan." My father worked in Afghanistan and told us a lot about the life of Hazaras!
She said; still, you people are suffering those viruses?!

I said; unfortunately!

The scheduled bus arrived then I had to go ...... from a longer distance, I said goodbye ma’am! Just waving! ...

There are really dangerous viruses in the 21st century! Sometimes it appears under the name of al-Qaeda, sometimes under the name of the Taliban and sometimes under the name of ISIS and the Mujahideen and so on......! She was muttering!

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